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Henry Ecks

The Story

Henry and Hinrich Ecks were sailors.  
They sailed the 7 seas and mastered more than one storm. 
They considered it their duty to do their hard job and to make sure their family at home (us) had everything they need to make a living. 
They laid the foundation of our prosperity.

Time to give something back!

Hinrich Ecks

1.700.000 Sailors

do their jobs every day

Just like Henry and Hinrich, some 1.6 Million sailors do their job on merchant ships today.

Officers and ratings of all nations, colors and religions are working day and night to transport good safely from origin to destination. The job is hard. They are far away from home. Some of them don't even have a place they can call home. During the pandemic many of them had to stay on board for months and months.

55.000 Ships

are their homes

Everyday life on board is monotonous. The jobs are more or less the same every day and the remaining highlights are the meals.

Internet access is mostly available but not as fast as you know it from your high-speed internet router. It is not always possible to chat with your friends and family.

Crew is crucial

to keep our world turning

Sailors keep our supply chains working but monotony creates carelessness. Carelessness causes problems. Let's make the sailors life a little bit better. We owe them.

Give them some joy with the Anker-Box!

Show them you care!

Support your safety- and environment campaigns or change management!

Keep good people on board!

The Anker Box®

Basically the Anker-Box® is a recognition program for your crew (and office staff too).

The idea is that the Anker-Box® is shipped on a regular basis, maybe once a month or at least every three months.

It can also be shipped on special occasions like birthdays, achievements, celebrations, holidays, etc.

The content of the Anker-Box® is customizeable and it can contain everything that people like or need on board

or in the office.

Contact us to discuss options.

Your crew or staff will love it and for sure can't wait until the next box arrives.

But the Anker-Box® can do even more. It can be the ideal means of direct communication with your crew or staff.

Add your message to the box and get heard!

Let's discuss how the individual Anker-Box® for YOUR organization looks like!

Join the Anker-Box® program and benefit from many advantages:


Everybody is happy to open a gift box once in a while. Surprise your crew or staff and show them that you care!

Think global

Be responsible. Be an ambassador for the environment (scroll down to next section) and make others ambassadors too!


Improve your HR strategy, crew and staff  retention and your ESG rating - which will add to your bottom line in the long run.


Support campaigns and change management. Stay in touch with your crew and staff in a personal way - a different way than just by email.

But there is even more than that.


Most of the plastic waste in the oceans comes from rivers. In a “Nature Study”, researchers from the Ocean Cleanup Foundation found out which rivers polluted the world's oceans in 2015.
The Yangtze - the longest river in China - washed the most plastic waste by far into the oceans, an estimated 333,000 tons. The Ganges follows in second place with around 115,000 tons.
It is estimated that 86 percent of the plastic that enters the oceans via rivers comes from Asia - especially China. For comparison: rivers in Africa contributed almost eight percent to the pollution of the world's oceans with plastic, European 0.28 percent.

The Anker-Box can be 100% sustainable and even contain sustainable products that show the recipients that there are alternatives to environmentally harmful cosumer products.


Imagine you are far away from home. In the middle of an ocean actually. You cannot go outside for a walk in the park. You canot meet your friends whenever you want to. You cannot be with your family. Yet you do your job and billions of people around the world get the products and raw materials they want.
We at ECKS MARINE think it is time to give something back to the sailors. We owe them. Let's create a work environment on board of the ships that makes life a little bit better for each of them.
And what is good for the sailors in fact is good for everybody.
Your team achieved something great? Well, show them that you care! And to keep up the motivation you can subscribe to a program that automatically rewards your crew/staff periodically.


ECKS MARINE wants to share success with welfare.
We are asking candidates to apply.

Thank you.

The Anker-Box® is what you can do to make your crew or staff happy and improve your overall operation. 

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